Saturday, January 30, 2010

The 2010 IRA portfolio

The 2010 portfolio is now six weeks into the year. I am posting the chart of the portfolio.
JAOSX Janus overseas fund
RYLPX Royce Low-Priced Stock Fund
PLDDX PIMCO Low Duration Bond Fund
WTSLX Westcore Select Fund
LZOEX. Lazard Emerging Markets Equity Fund
AKREX Akre Focus Fund
GOLDX. GAMCO (Gabelli) Gold fund
YAFFX Yacktman Focus Fund
WGRNX Wintergreen Fund
BJBHX Artio Global High Income
CGMRX CGM Realty fund

As of February 13, 2010 this portfolio is down 2.1 percent while the S&P500 is down 3.54% year to date. The 2010 portfolio was up almost 2% last week compared to the S&P500 which was up about 1%.

To read more about Fund picks for 2010


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Do you have any single stock
    investments or are they all
    in Mutual Funds? You seem
    to be extremely diversified.
    I know Emerging markets and
    Gold funds have done extremely
    well. I wonder if they can
    keep up the trend.

  2. Thank you for visiting. I do not recommend single stocks. If you notice I have a small position in the Gabelli Gold Fund which did very well this week even though the market was down.

  3. Where would I set up a portfolio like this?

  4. Bob you can buy all of these funds NTF (no transaction fee) at Fidelity. My guess is you could do it at Vanguard or Schwab as well.
